Sunday, April 24, 2011

Cooking up some Easter Eggs.

Willy misses the days when the daughter, now 28, would spend days before Easter coloring eggs. 

Maybe Willy needs a grand kid to do this with now. 

Willy would cook  the eggs or Mrs Willy would and we would color and paint and play and just enjoy.

This Easter the Wife is recovering from a serious illness, the daughter was over for a few hours on Friday, we did not  get to go to Church.

Dear Lord send it back and return that joy to Willy's wife and Willy.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Gold IRA?

Willy believes it is time to go on a gold standard.  With this Willy believes that everyone should invest in and have a gold IRA.  If you have the money to buy gold, there is every chance in the world that the price is going to increase.  That would make IRA gold,

Is there any question what Willy is cooking up here?  In case you cannot understand what Willy is saying, let Willy say it loud and clear.  Willy is saying to get you a gold 401k account and see if you can make yourself rich in retirement.  Yes, it is true.  401k gold is the thing to have in your portfolio and it is something that will certainly increase in value and possibly make you very comfortable. 

So, if you have not thought about it up to this time, then it is time to think about having a gold IRA transfer to get that gold that you now have over into your retirement account.  This can move the value from one account over to your IRA account.  Sounds great doesn’t it.

Willy says you should try to take it out and see what it makes you in a  short time. 

10-4 Willy

Monday, April 11, 2011

Cooking at the hospital.

Willy spent the last two weeks in and around the hospital with kinfolks.  It did teach Willy that food can look ok but if it does not smell good it will not be eaten.

Also, how can it all smell the same.

Willy is Just Saying

10-4 Willy

Saturday, April 2, 2011


SMC is almost a house hold word.  Isn’t that the one that Tom Bosley used to advertise for.  Willy believes that Mr. B from Happy Days would not lie and therefore these things that are said about a specialty merchandise corporation scam has got to be a crock of bull.  Willy used to listen to their commercials and think that this would be a great business for Willy to take in his spare time. 

So, Willy is writing this specialty merchandise corporation review  letting the world know that Willy thinks that this is a good company and one that many people have made good money exercising their plan for making money.  Yes this is a good plan and a good company.

All of that is said to emphasize that the specialty merchandise corporation scam is ridiculous.  Yes, who would know that this is something that is being said that is totally false.  Well, Willy is one that would know and Willy would like to tell everyone else.  So what do you think?  Is this a scam or is it real>


10-4 Willy