Sunday, September 12, 2010

Mailboxes and Recipes - Important to Willy!

Willy likes to cook and Willy likes recipes.  Willy often looks at newspapers, books and things that he receives in Willy's mailbox for cooking information or recipes.  Willy therefore has a great collection.  However, one of the things that Willy also likes is to have things that have a look of class.  That is when Willy thinks it is nice to have a classy looking mailboxes.

Yes, there are mail boxes in my neighborhood that do not look so good.  In fact there are some in the neighborhood that look pretty tacky.   It is these that look tacky that make me real proud when I go to my mailbox and take those recipes out of this classy looking mailbox.   However, that is not all that is good.  

Another thing that Willy likes is that the neighborhood has a regulation that makes those others that don't look so good to get up to code.  However, it is not my job to be critical of the neighborhood but to set an example.  Hopefully, that is what I am doing is setting that example for others to see what a nice house and mailbox should look like.

Now back to cooking and using those recipes.
10-4 Willy

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