Sunday, September 26, 2010 - Online Tutoring!

Lets cook up some real thinking by working on some real thinking persons studies.  What studies is Willy talking about?  Well, Willy is talking about things like online tutoring for K-12 and college students that is available through a site called .  Willy is talking about how they can help you by providing online tutoring at the cheap rates.

Yes, when you talk to Willy about exact studies such as  Pre AlgebraPrime numbers and complex. Math Questions , Willy struggles.  Willy does have a masters degree in economics but Willy's math has always been a little weak.   In high school when they started with  Linear Equations there was a time that Willy was lost.  Shucks in had not been that long ago that Willy had learned How to divide and then when things like  Algebra equations and  Standard form came along Willy new it was time for some help.

So what Willy is saying is that if he had some online tutoring back when Willy was in school it would have been used extensively.  Now that this is available for all of those in K- 12 or college Willy can not see why it would not be used.  Online convenience with great help this tutoring just has to be the right thing to do.  That is my thoughts for now.

10-4 Willy

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