Friday, October 29, 2010

Thanksgiving Dinner - My Favorite Fall Activity

Guest post from: Steve Delaney

I love Thanksgiving. It's not just about the food, but the savings. You see, I am a wealthy trust fund baby who inherited a fortune from my now deceased aunt, and am rich beyond your wildest dreams and mine. However, I am also a frugal man, a penny pincher if you will, and I like to save money whenever I can. This is why I love Thanksgiving, because I can always find a free dinner somewhere from some fool who is feeding the homeless with premium turkeys donated by bigger fools.

What I do is dress up in makeup and a disheveled costume to simulate the look of being homeless. While most of my clothes are sartorial splendor, this particular piece was taken off the set of a local production of Oliver Twist. I stole it, of course, and then proceeded to use it to go to the local ghetto and reap the rewards of a free Thanksgiving dinner. I tried very hard to hold in my laughter as I feasted upon the food as no one was the wiser. In fact, I made a vital mistake, forgetting to remove my expensive Swiss watch from my person, yet no one was the wiser. The dinner was a success. Of course, I wouldn't think about leaving the home without setting my home security alarm from, as my valuables are worth millions.

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