Monday, April 12, 2010

Sandwich time with Willy

Willy loves a good sandwich. A good sandwich starts with a good bread. Willy likes a honey berry wheat bread. You know bread with those crunchy little seeds in it.

Well, then you can take something easy like Petit Jean Bologna or Petit Jean Ham. To me that is premium ham and bologna. Then I like to take Miracle Whip. Many people like mayonnaise but I like Miracle Whip.

The sandwich can then take on a good sweet tomato and a little bit of vidalia onion. If spring is here then what I like to do is take the bread, Miracle Whip and just add a couple of thick slices of a great tomato.

Very good.

10-4 Willy

1 comment:

Petit Jean Meats said...

Thanks for the props! We'd love for you to leave some of your Petit Jean product recipes on our facebook