Sunday, January 23, 2011

Football is What is Cooking.

Willy has helped Mrs Willy cook up a good stew to eat for the week.  This was not done before Willy has had a nap and watched lots of football playoffs.  Yes, that is what is cooking today is the NFL Playoffs.

Well, the first game is over and Greenbay kicked butt and now it appears that Pittsburgh may beat the Jets.  So it appears that a Superbowl with Greenbay and Pittsburgh getting it on in Jerry's house.

Jerry Jones is cooking up a profit even if his Cowboys are not in the game.

10-4 Willy

1 comment:

Sandee said...

And then there are those cheerleaders that they make you watch. I'm sorry about that Willy. Bwahahahahahahaha.

Enjoy the games. :)